You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need.
Philippians 4:19 MSG
Many today have never heard of the name George Mueller. However, George Mueller is known as one of the greatest missionaries who ever lived. He was a man who lived by principle and who exercised amazing faith, never asking anyone to give money to support his work in ministry. Rather, he solely trusted God through prayer to provide for all his needs. One such occasion was in 1849 when Mueller opened his orphanage in Ashley Downs, England. Things looked bleak for the children in George Mueller’s orphanage. It was time for breakfast and there was no food. A young girl whose father was a close friend of Mueller was visiting in the home. Mueller took the little girls hand and said, “Come and see what our Heavenly Father will do."In the dining room, long tables were set with empty plates and empty cups. Not only was there no food in the kitchen, but there was no money in the home’s account. The children were all standing around waiting for their breakfast. Mr. Muller said to them, "Children, you know we must be on time for school." He then lifted his head and prayed, "Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for what you are going to provide for us to eat this morning.” Within moments there was a knock at the door. When they opened it, there stood the local baker. "Mr. Muller, I could not sleep last night. I sensed that you didn’t have any bread for breakfast, and the Lord impressed on my heart to send you some. So I got up at 2:00am and baked some fresh bread and here it is." Mueller thanked him and immediately gave praise to God.I’m not sure what need or needs you have in your life today. However, God knows. He knows what you need and when you need it. Like a chess board, God is moving pieces into place in order to supply all your needs. He wants you to trust Him with all of your heart. He wants to build your faith so that you can see His hand working in and through your life. Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want—faith is the belief that God will do what He says.Charles Spurgeon said: “If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem to be against us, we do not believe Him at all.”Listen Closely: God cares about the the smallest details and every need that you have in your life. Take a step out of the boat and dive all in. Exercise your faith by trusting God to provide what you need. When you do, watch what will happen! Your faith, aligned with Gods’ will, activates Gods’ power in your life. Remember, when you can’t trace Gods’ hand—trust His heart.Love God. Love People. Live Sent.Be Worth Being,KevinSUBSCRIBE TO "OVER THE HUMP" DEVOTIONALKevin Burrell has worked in professional baseball as both a player and MLB scout for the past 42 years, and currently serves as an area scouting supervisor. Kevin was drafted in the 1st round of the 1981 free agent amateur draft (25th selection overall), and played ten years of professional baseball with four different organizations. He and his wife, Valerie, live in Sharpsburg, Ga.

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