
We exist to...
Minister the love, healing and comfort of Jesus Christ to others through the ministry of prayer…to grow, encourage and inspire others in their personal prayer lives.


“Now Jesus was praying in a certain place and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’” Luke 11:1
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Join the Prayer Team

If you have a heart for prayer, enjoy praying for the needs of others and want to grow more in your prayer life, we would love to meet you and have you join our team!

Sunday Morning Prayer Walking

We prayer walk around our campus every Sunday morning from 8AM - 8:35AM. Come pray with us!

Pray For Our Online Prayer Wall

We pray daily over our online prayer wall just above on this page. We would love to have you pray with us! You can sign up for a weekly commitment as a prayer wall Watchman.