Important Dates & Info
March 30
Last sunday in
The building
This will be the last Sunday we'll meet in our Compass Auditorium, so that interior construction can begin.
April 6 & 13
Church at
The two Sundays leading up to Easter will be a Church at Home experience including worship and teaching from wherever you are.
April 20
Easter at
North Cobb HS
For Easter this year we'll be meeting at North Cobb High School in their gym for two services at 9AM + 11AM.
April 27
3 services begin at
North Cobb HS
Starting on this date, we'll be meeting weekly in the Performing Arts Center (P.A.C.) at North Cobb High School for our normal service times of 8:50, 10:10 and 11:30AM.
Programming AT
North Cobb HS
All children, birth - 5th grade, as well as all Special Needs classes, will be meeting in classrooms on campus North Cobb High School.
Sunday AM +
Wednesday nights
During our time out of the building, our 6th - 12th grade students will join us at North Cobb HS with their very own student section at North Cobb HS. On Wednesday nights from 7-8:30PM, both middle and high school will meet together for a time of worship + teaching, as well as other events throughout the week!
download calendar
Out of Building Calendar
march 30
Last Sunday in Compass Building
April 6
Church at Home
April 13
Church at Home
April 20
Easter at North Cobb HS (NCHS) in Gym
April 27
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
May 4
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
May 11
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
May 18
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
May 25
Church at Home (Memorial Day)
June 1
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
June 8
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
June 15
Church at Home (Father's Day)
June 22
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
June 29
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
July 6
Church at Home (4th of July Weekend)
july 13
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
july 20
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
july 27
3 services - Performing Arts Center at NCHS
If you have any questions regarding our time out of our building, please reach out to Jamie maddox or Stephanie ford.
interested in joining in?
If you're not currently part of our WHATEVER IT TAKES campaign, click here to learn more and find out how to get involved!