Jesus called out to them, “Come and follow Me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they [left their nets] at once and followed Him.
Mark 1:17-18
Trusting in Times of Doubt
Have you ever been going through life, everything is going well, you are healthy, your children are well, your career is taking off, your business is flourishing, your family is in relational harmony and your marriage hasn’t been better. Then, out of nowhere, bam!—a storm in life takes place that shakes your very sense of security.You’re a committed disciple. You’re in right relationship with God. You are being obedient to God and His word—however, your world has been turned upside down and doubt is now crouching at the door of your life.The truth is, that is exactly what happened to the disciples. The disciples followed Jesus for three years. He called them-He chose them-they did ministry with Him-they did life with Him-they walked with Him-they ate with Him-they prayed with Him-they watched Him preform miracles, feeding the multitudes, healing the sick and raising the dead. Then their world was shaken! Jesus was arrested, beaten, tortured and nailed to a cross—and at that moment, doubt began crouching at the door of their lives. Worry, doubt and fear began setting in.What I find so fascinating in the two verses above is the 11-disciples were obedient—they went to the Mount of Olives, exactly where He directed them to go. However, when they saw Him they “Worshipped Him,”— but “Some Doubted.”What? Are you serious? After three years of being with Jesus all day every day, doubt was creeping in?Before we come down too hard on the disciples, we too are just ordinary men. There are times when we are no different; Things are breezing right along, life is going well in our personal life, professional life, family life and spiritual life—then, something happens that turns our world upside down and we doubt if God exists or even cares. You may be there right now.Allow me to remind you that He does! He loves you unconditionally. He is ever present. He has not abandoned you. He sees. He knows and He cares. Nothing slips by Him. Nothing escape His eye and you are right in the palm of His hand.He reminds us: “I will be with you, always.” (Matt 28:20)Don’t doubt, trust!—When you can’t trace God’s hand, trust His heart.Love God. Love People. Live Sent.Be Worth Being,KevinSUBSCRIBE TO "OVER THE HUMP" DEVOTIONALKevin Burrell has worked in professional baseball as both a player and MLB scout for the past 42 years, and currently serves as an area scouting supervisor. Kevin was drafted in the 1st round of the 1981 free agent amateur draft (25th selection overall), and played ten years of professional baseball with four different organizations. He and his wife, Valerie, live in Sharpsburg, Ga.

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